• Welcome to the OhioMATYC

    Learn about the history of the Ohio Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, become a member, and more!

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  • Follow OhioMATYC on the following social media platforms to keep up with all that is going on:

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    OhioMATYC Scholarship

    OhioMATYC will award 1 student scholarship (worth $300) this year. Each qualifying institution (institutions that employ at least one active member of OhioMATYC) may nominate one student, and institutions with 8 or more current members may nominate

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    Do you know a faculty member who has given exceptional service to their college and/or the profession? Please consider nominating them for the OhioMATYC Distinguished Service Award. This award is given in odd calendar years.

    Previous Distinguished Service Award

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OhioMATYC By-laws

Article I - Membership

Any person eligible for membership becomes a member upon registering and paying the current, annual dues. Regular members are eligible to vote and to hold office in the Association.

Article II - Elections

Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting by written ballot of the membership in attendance. New officers shall take office immediately following the Annual Meeting and shall hold office until the next election.

An elections committee shall consist of the Past-President and two other members to nominate at least one member for each of the positions to be filled. All candidates for all elected positions shall be regular members of the Association. Any vacancy in an elected position shall be filled by the Executive Committee for the unexpired term.

Article III - Duties of Officers

The President shall:

  1. prepare an agenda for and preside at all business meetings of the Association;
  2. prepare an agenda for and serve as chairman at all Executive Committee meetings;
  3. appoint members to committees as directed by the Executive Committee and
  4. perform all other duties expected of such an office.

The President-Elect shall:

  1. coordinate the program of the Annual Meeting in their 2nd year and other regular meetings;
  2. be in charge of publicity and public relations, including the Association newsletter;
  3. notify members of Association meetings and their agendas; and
  4. act as president in the absence of the President and be of assistance to the President in other matters.

The Past-President shall:

  1. chair the elections committee
  2. act as program chair in first year
  3. coordinate OhioMATYC student scholarships

The Secretary shall:

  1. keep the minutes of all meetings and of the Executive Committee; and
  2. be responsible for all official correspondence of the Association.

The Treasurer shall:

  1. be in charge of all financial records and funds of the Association;
  2. disburse funds as directed by the Executive Committee;
  3. maintain a current mailing list of members and furnish each officer of the Association with the mailing list; and
  4. make an annual report to the membership.

Article IV - Duties of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall:

    1. assist the President in carrying out the purpose and obligations of the Association;
    2. select the places and dates of Association meetings and prepare the agenda for the Annual Meeting; and
    3. make decisions concerning the Association when a vote of the entire membership is not required.


Article V - Amendments to the By-Laws

These By-Laws may be amended by a majority of the members present at any meeting of the Association, provided notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given to every member at least two weeks in advance of the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon. Proposed amendments shall be received by the Executive Committee no later than one week before notification to the membership is due.

Article VI - Awards Coordinator

The awards coordinator shall:

  1. coordinate the nominations for the OhioMATYC Teaching Excellence and Distinguished Service awards
  2. facilitatie the nomination of OhioMATYC members for the AMATYC Teaching Excellence and Mathematics Excellence awards.